Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Walking in Shinchon today, Erma and I noticed for the first time a large billboard-sized sign above the sidewalk on the construction site of a new highrise building. The sign pictures the official tree, bird, and flower of our gu, Seodaemun-gu. Who knew that each district of Seoul has its own officially designated flora and fauna? Turns out our gu tree (區木) is the pine (소나무), our gu bird (區鳥) is the magpie (까치), and our gu flower (區花) is the rose (장미).


  1. The flora and fauna of the gu seems a wonderful thing. It adds depth to my sense of where you are by what nature is around you.
    I love to read about these details.

  2. Those are just the idealized flora and fauna of the gu. It's actually a very urban environment here, and we have not seen any pine trees or roses, and only one magpie so far. Campus, of course, is different from the rest of the neighborhood, and you can certainly find all the representatives of the gu there.


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