Sunday, February 15, 2015

Speaking of ATMs

One thing I like about my bank account is that I have a passbook. I remember having one of these when, as little kid, I opened my first savings account at our neighborhood bank. But I think they have long disappeared from American banking.

The ATM machines at my bank have a slot for the passbook. The machine automatically updates it with a record of all transactions since the last time it was updated.

If there are a lot of records to update, and they don't all fit on the current page, the ATM will eject the passbook when the page is full, then ask you to turn the page and reinsert it.


  1. I saw my first of these passbook-accepting machines in Singapore today! I wouldn't have noticed but for the fact that it didn't accept my ATM card. It turned out that the two tasks were mutually exclusive, so I had to use the (non-passbook-accepting) machine next to it.

  2. Hunh, Singapore has passbooks too. Does Taiwan?


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