Saturday, June 27, 2015

Does this video convey how scary the streets are here?

I keep trying to take video to illustrate how terrifying the traffic and driving culture is in Gyeongju. But nothing seems to accurately convey the feeling of actually being here. The video below is the best I've gotten so far.

It also has the advantage of including a fruit truck. These trucks are pretty common in the city; they drive around, parking at busy intersections or in front of wholesalers. They have loud recorded looped messages advertising their wares. (I use fruit truck in a generic sense; produce is by far the most common item sold off trucks in this way, but it is not the only one.)

There are a few things to note in this video. First is the lack of sidewalks; there are only narrow strips at the side of the road, marked off by a yellow line. Even this narrow walkway is frequently blocked by obstacles, forcing pedestrians to walk into the street with alarming frequency. (Korean pedestrians are completely unconcerned about this, as far as I can tell.)

Second is the completely unregulated intersection. Notice the way cars just slide into it, barely slowing down. There are some large mirrors mounted on poles so you can see traffic coming from the sides, but the visibility is still really poor. Cyclists glide into this intersection as recklessly as cars do.

Third is the cyclist, a topic I wrote on in the previous post.

To view higher-quality video on Vimeo, click me and enter password "korea".

The video was filmed along the route I walk with Tek every morning to take him to school. I no longer find that a heart-stopping experience, which just goes to show that a person can get used to just about anything.

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