Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Korean GPS

I've mentioned before that Korea is a small country, and as a result the personal GPS systems know a lot more details about navigation than do those in the US. (At least, I think they do. I don't own a GPS, so I'm actually not sure how much the American models know about US roadways.)

Korean GPS knows the location of every traffic signal, every speed bump, every left-turn lane, every enforcement camera, and every speed limit. The information screen is dazzlingly complex.

Click through for a bigger image to reveal more detail.
The left-hand side shows a 3-D partial overhead view, with every building augmented in life-like detail. On the right-hand side we see details of the upcoming intersection, including the legal directions of motion in each of the five lanes (we're to turn left, so the two left-turn lanes are highlighted in blue), the presence of a traffic signal, and warnings about cross-traffic having U-turn lanes.

There's a lot of audio feedback too. By law the GPS isn't allowed to tell you where the speed limit enforcement cameras are, but they make it clear through indirect language like "약 500미터 앞에서 신호와 과속에 주의하십시오" 'About 500 meters ahead, pay attention to the traffic signal and your speed'. As you approach the camera, if the GPS detects that you are moving faster than the speed limit, a series of warning beeps will sound: boop-boop-boop-boop-boop! When you successfully pass the location of the camera, you are rewarded with a triumphant da-da-daaah!

The GPS can, of course, also give directions. But drivers leave it on even for routine trips when no destination is programmed in, in order to avoid speeding tickets.

I'm starting to get used to driving with it on. It's kinda fun.


  1. It looks like you're playing a video game!

  2. When you get the reward music for successfully avoiding a speeding ticket, it really does feel like you're about to level up.


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