Wednesday, December 12, 2007


In Korean markets you often see promotional packaging of the "buy something get something free type". Unlike in America, however, these unusual involve small -- sometimes even adorably tiny -- objects taped to larger objects.

Here are some pictures.

Taster's Choice coffee attached to Taster's Choice coffee:

Two eggs attached to a package of ten eggs:

Tiny milks strapped precariously to jugs of milk. Not to be outdone, alongside are yogurts attached to tiny milks strapped to jugs of milk:

Toilet paper attached to -- naturally -- paper towels:

1 comment:

  1. Y'know, I don't remember if they do this in Japan as well. I'll have to check when I visit my grandma this fall. My most recent experience with this was at Target: a smaller, more manageable size of mouthwash was attached to a massive bottle of the same mouthwash.


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