The free paper The Daily Focus, which I excerpted a cartoon from earlier, had a small article yesterday on the game, which Boston won thanks to the heroics of Boston's star player, Manny Ramirez. The headline reads (more or less, I think) "Boston's Ramirez: 'I'm the cleanup hitter!'"

보스턴 레드삭스의 매니 라미레스가 연장 10회초에 역전 2루타를 날린 후 세리머니를 하고 있다.
Boston Red Sox' Manny Ramirez celebrating (?) after smashing a clutch double in the top of the 10th inning.
I've put a question mark after 'celebrating' because I'm not sure it's the best word. The Korean is serimeoni 세리머니, which is clearly a borrowing of the English word 'ceremony'. It's typical for Manny Ramirez to make that two-armed pointing gesture after a good performance, but in English the word 'ceremony' would be inappropriate to describe it. I can't find the word in any Korean-English dictionary. If you copy the Korean 세리머니 and paste it into Google image search, you get these results, which mostly show athletes engaged in similar activities.
Can anyone suggest a better English translation of the Korean?
If you look up sports celebrations in English in the google image, they show similar gesturing, posing, and other displays to rejoicew hen a great play is made. so perhaps the word sports "celebration" is correct.