I had my follow-up visit with the dermatologist today. The antibiotics have done wonders. I'm pleased to be able to show you a normal-looking (more or less) picture of my face.

My nose is no longer swollen and is pain-free. There are no more sores or pustules. As you can see, there is still some discoloration -- darker spots -- at the sites of the infection, but the doctor said these will fade to normal color and there will be no scarring.
This is after seven days of oral antibiotics and application of a topical antibiotic. The doctor prescribed another five days of antibiotics to be on the safe side. Apparently minor outbreaks of folliculitis are common -- a pimple-like swelling around an irritated follicle -- especially among men who shave, it's just that they don't usually spread aggressively like mine did. He suggested that if I use a fresh towel each time I bathe, and aggressively treat any new sores that might appear with topical antibiotics, I should be fine.
Like you, I'm looking forward to getting back to blogging about things other than my skin.
Oh, I took some pictures of the parking guys at St. Mary's Hospital. As you would have predicted if you'd seen this and this earlier entry, they were wearing cowboy hats.

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